Natural Rights & Individualism

Do you feel disillusioned by the two-party system dominating the U.S. government? Are you among the many voters in Minnesota frustrated by elected officials who trade your liberties for power? Have you witnessed the encroaching tyranny that emerged during the COVID-19 crisis? The Libertarian Party of Minnesota (LPMN) is here to stand against the overwhelming influence of the duopoly in the lives of peaceful citizens in our state.

The LPMN is committed to protecting, expanding, and exercising the natural rights of individuals, which should be highly valued by the citizens of our state. As author Ayn Rand stated, “The smallest minority on Earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.” A community of individuals engaging in consensual interactions, free from the coercive threat of state force, is crucial to the foundation of freedom and liberty in America. We support people’s rights to govern their own lives in areas such as commerce, self-defense, speech, privacy, education, healthcare, and other critical topics related to self-ownership and property rights.

Throughout much of our nation’s history, so-called representatives have infringed upon our lives in ways that would have shocked and appalled our founding fathers. From undermining our right to defend our families with the tools of our choosing to criminalizing what we choose to put into our own bodies, the vast majority of elected politicians show little concern for their constituents’ autonomy. The political class, dominated by Democrats and Republicans, has largely destroyed the faith many people once had in benevolent federal or state governments. Reckless spending and printing of fiat dollars have decimated our currency, causing record inflation. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. and MN citizens have been sent to fight in illegal interventionist wars, sacrificing countless lives to their gods of war. Meanwhile, corruption threatens our global and national positions, and our ability to live freely is imperiled under the guise of “public safety” in response to a virus and “progressivism” to enforce equity. This has led to the shutdown of businesses, restrictions on freedom of movement and association, and a loss of confidence in personal and financial freedom.

Our Party’s Mission

To achieve a truly libertarian society, free from the state’s monopoly on violence, we must work together to educate, influence, and enact change in Minnesota. Promoting Libertarian political candidates at the state and local levels is crucial, despite the uphill battle for ballot access against those who seek to maintain their power. Our priorities include advocating for legislation such as the Defend the Guard movement, gun rights, food freedom, drug legalization, education freedom, and more. These initiatives have widespread support across the state, and we must unite to challenge the broken system that continues to subjugate us while empowering the political elites of the left and right. As the party of principle, we are unwavering in our dedication to promoting radical freedom by liberating individuals from the totalitarianism imposed by the status quo of statism.

Libertarianism is clearly the most, perhaps the only truly radical movement in America. It grasps the problems of society by the roots. It is not reformist in any sense. It is revolutionary in EVERY sense.

Karl Hess

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